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缽仔鳳爪排骨飯 Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Chicken Feet & Pork Rib
$42.00豉油皇炒麵 配 鮮肉燒賣 (2粒)
$30.00缽仔梅菜肉餅飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Pork Patty & Preserved Vegetable
$42.00豉汁鳳爪 Chicken Feet with Black Bean
$30.00蠔皇鮮竹卷 (3件) Pork with Beancurd Sheet Roll (3pcs)
$30.00南乳花生豬手 Braised Pork Knuckle with Peanut
$48.00缽仔臘腸蒸雞飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Chicken & Preserved Sausage
$42.00雞扎 (2件) Chicken Roll in Beancurd Sheet (2pcs)
$30.00C2 點心蒸包套餐 (全日) Buns & Steamed Food Combo
$69.00C3 缽仔蒸飯燉湯套餐 (全日) Clay Bowl Steamed Rice & Soup Combo
套餐 Combo
C3 缽仔蒸飯燉湯套餐 (全日) Clay Bowl Steamed Rice & Soup Combo
$92.00C2 點心蒸包套餐 (全日) Buns & Steamed Food Combo
$69.00P1 包點合家歡套餐 Family Deluxe Combo
$294.00P2 特選豐盛2人餐 Selected Deluxe Combo For 2
外賣餐具 Utensil
本餐廳響應環保,不主動提供餐具,如有需要,可於下方加購 In our efforts to promote sustainability, utensils are available for add-on at below.
木製餐具套裝 Wooden Utensil Set
點心 Dim Sum
香茜牛肉球 (3件) Beef Ball (3pcs)
$28.00蝦餃 (3件) Shrimp Dumpling (3pcs)
$28.00蠔皇鮮竹卷 (3件) Pork with Beancurd Sheet Roll (3pcs)
$30.00鮮肉燒賣 (4件) Pork Dumpling (4pcs)
$28.00豉汁鳳爪 Chicken Feet with Black Bean
$30.00魚翅餃 (3件) Pork & Fake Shark Fin Dumpling (3pcs)
$25.00雞扎 (2件) Chicken Roll in Beancurd Sheet (2pcs)
$30.00潮州粉果 (3件) Chiu-Chow Dumpling (3pcs)
$25.00豉汁排骨 Pork Rib with Black Bean
$30.00咖喱魚蛋三寶 Curry Fish Ball Combo
中式包點 Buns
極致流沙奶皇包 Creamy Custard Bun
$13.00菜肉包 Pork & Cabbage Bun
$12.00榨菜豬肉包 Pork & Pickled Mustard Bun
$12.00糯米卷 Glutinous Rice Roll
$12.00香菇雞包Chicken & Mushroom Bun
$12.00叉燒包 BBQ Pork Bun
$12.00蔥花卷 Ham & Scallion Roll
$12.00蓮蓉包 Lotus Seed Paste Bun
$12.00豆沙包 Red Bean Paste Bun
$12.00奶皇包 Custard Bun
$12.00濃香紫薯包 Purple Sweet Potato Bun
$12.00馬拉糕 Cantonese Sponge Cake
$12.00白饅頭 Mantou (Plain)
缽仔蒸飯 Steamed Rice
缽仔鳳爪排骨飯 Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Chicken Feet & Pork Rib
$42.00缽仔梅菜肉餅飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Pork Patty & Preserved Vegetable
$42.00缽仔臘腸蒸雞飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Chicken & Preserved Sausage
$42.00缽仔豉汁排骨飯(辣)Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Pork Rib & Black Bean (Spicy)
$42.00缽仔香菇蒸雞飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Chicken & Mushroom
$42.00缽仔章魚雞粒飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Diced Chicken & Dried Octopus
$42.00缽仔煎蛋牛肉飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Minced Beef & Egg
$42.00缽仔白飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice
$18.00缽仔鹹蛋肉餅飯Clay Bowl Steamed Rice with Pork Patty & Salted Egg
香煎炸物 Fried Food
蘿蔔糕(3片裝)Turnip Cake(3 Slices)
$23.00鹹水角 (3件)Deep-fried Dumpling with Pork (3pcs)
$23.00香脆肉絲春卷(3件) Deep-fried Spring Roll (3pcs)
$23.00蓮蓉煎堆仔 (3件)Deep-fried Dumpling with Lotus Seed Paste (3pcs)
$23.00韭菜餅 (3件) Leek Pancake (3pcs)
滋味家常菜 Home Style Dishes
南乳花生豬手 Braised Pork Knuckle with Peanut
$48.00香濃咖喱雞(辣) Curry Chicken (Spicy)
$46.00咖喱牛腩(辣) Curry Beef Brisket (Spicy)
足料靚湯 Soup
是日例湯 (清補涼雞腳湯) Daily Soup (Chicken Feet Soup with Ching Bo Leung)
$30.00是日例湯 (章魚蓮藕湯) Daily Soup (Lotus Root Soup with Octopus)
$30.00五指毛桃海底椰無花果鹧鴣湯Partridge Soup with Hairy Fig, Sea Coconut & Ficus Carica
$47.00合掌瓜海底椰蟲草燉乳鴿湯Double-stewed Pigeon Soup with Chayote, Sea Coconut and Cordyceps Flower
$47.00猴頭菇响螺燉雞湯Double-stewed Chicken Soup with Lion's Mane Mushroom and Conch
$47.00是日例湯 (胡椒豬肚湯) Daily Soup (Pig Stomach Soup with White Pepper)
$30.00是日例湯 (粉葛魚骨湯) Daily Soup (Kudzu Root Soup with Fish Bone)
飲品 Beverages
黑芝麻豆漿 Black Sesame Soybean Milk
$14.00港式奶茶Hong Kong Style Milk Tea
$16.00蜂蜜山楂蘋果薏米飲 Honey Hawthorn With Apple And Coix Seed Drink
$14.00甘粟竹蔗茅根雪梨飲 Imperatae Cane And Pear With Corn Drink
$14.00雀巢香滑咖啡NESCAFÉ® Regular Coffee
$7.00可口可樂 Coca Cola
$10.00雪碧 Sprite
$10.00原味豆漿 Original Soybean Milk
$14.00無添加糖豆漿 (支) No Added Sugar Soybean Milk
$14.00維他檸檬茶Lemon Tea
甜品 Desserts
豆腐花Beancurd Pudding
供應時間:上午11:00後$12.00綠豆沙Green Bean Soup
供應時間:上午11:00後$12.00腐竹蛋花薏米糖水Beancurd and Egg Sweet Soup
供應時間:上午11:00後$14.00椰汁紫米露 Black Glutinous Rice with Coconut Milk
供應時間:上午11:00後$14.00白糖砵仔糕White Sugar Red Bean Pudding
$10.00黃糖砵仔糕Brown Sugar Red Bean Pudding
小食 Snacks
魚肉燒賣(5粒) + 魚蛋 (5粒) + 腸粉 (3條)Siu Mai (5pcs) + Fish Ball (5pcs) + Rice Roll (3pcs)
$26.00豉油皇炒麵 配 鮮肉燒賣 (2粒)
$30.00豉油皇炒麵Stir-fried Noodles in Soy Sauce
湯飯系列 Soup Rice
冬瓜勝瓜肉粒湯飯 Soup Rice with Winter Melon, Chinese Squash and Pork Cube
$53.00蕃茄薯仔排骨湯飯 Soup Rice with Tomato, Potato and Spare Rib
$54.00蕃茄薯仔牛腩牛丸湯飯 Soup Rice with Tomato, Potato, Beef Brisket and Beef Ball
$54.00陳皮冬瓜鴨腿湯飯 Soup Rice with Tangerine Peel, Winter Melon and Duck Leg
臘腸糯米飯 Steamed Sticky Rice with Chinese Preserved Sausage
臘腸糯米飯 Steamed Sticky Rice with Chinese Preserved Sausage